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Parent Resources

Ormsby School uses Schoolzone (https://schoolzone.epsb.ca) as the primary means of communication between teachers, parents, students and the school office. This includes the school calendar, newsletters, field trip notices and progress reports. There are links to websites under the Resources tab to provide information/materials for parents and families to use at home.

Logging On:

Your child's log on information is used throughout the year at school and is the same for any home computer.

Parents/Guardians have the opportunity to link their Schoolzone accounts for all of their children registered with Edmonton Public Schools. If you require your log on information, please contact Ormsby School office at (780) 481-4646.

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Please take a moment to view the Student Rights & Responsibilities.


2024/25 School Supplies Order Information

The following are the supplies required for each grade for the 2023/24 school year. 

 Please USE THIS LINK to order supplies

Kindergarten Supply List 2024/25

Grade 1 Supply List 24/25

Grade 2 Supply List 2024/25

Grade 3 Supply List 2024/25

Grade 4 Supply List 2024/25

Grade 5 Supply List 2024/25

Grade 6 Supply List 2024/25

Opportunity Program Supply List 2024/25

Strategies Program Grade 3-5 Supply List 2024/25

Strategies Program Grade 6 Supply List